Social Media Boundaries for Your Children: 4 Practical Tips
Jesus came to turn the hearts of parents toward their children and the hearts of children toward their parents (cf. Luke 1:17; Malachi 3:23-24). But social media, although good in itself, can sometimes get in the way of this saving grace. Not too long ago I was talking to my neighbor while doing some yard work. We did something that few neighbors do these days: we actually talked to each other. Imagine that! My neighbor happens to be the father of two teenage daughters. And off the cuff, he confided to me that his daughters rarely give him more than a one or two-word answer to his questions when he comes home from work; this, because they are spending an unlimited time on their i-phones. During the conversation, I had wondered why he didn't leverage his parental authority to improve that situation. In fact, he seemed resigned to his inability to do anything about it. In any case, I realized that neighbors are not the only ones that rarely talk to each nowadays. ...